Sara Jane Kane-Katenay from South Reno

Results Reno is proud to announce our August MOM- Sara Jane Kane-Katenay!

Sara Jane has been a member here since January and says she now ‘feels better from the inside out!’  She is a Benefits Coordinator for the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony and from the Paiute tribe in Nevada & Klamath tribe from Oregon, and is also Hawaiian.

Sara Jane came to Results with a little inspiration from her friend Nala and has been going beast mode ever since, losing over 65lbs from when she started! 

When you come workout with Sara Jane you’ll be ball slamming, boxing or holding a plank (something she is proud to say she can do now).  For those thinking of joining, she says ‘do it’ and ‘get ‘s*** done,’ as Coach Saul says!

 Please congratulate Sara Jane in all her accomplishments here at Results!

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