Natasha & Jesse Ortiz from Sparks

CONGRATULATIONS to our very first ‘Couple of the Month’… Natasha and Jesus ‘Jesse’ Ortiz!! These two have been with Results for 3+ years and not only are they an awesome team, but they both always push other members to do more than they thought they could. Ever inspiring and rooting for each and every member and challenger that comes through our doors, they say the key to an awesome experience is having their MYZONES on during every workout! Jesse will tell you his inspiration is his 3 daughters and soul mate wife, as well as, wanting better overall health. Natasha is also inspired by her family and loves the friendly competition and nonjudgmental environment here at Results. If you ask a Coach, they’ll tell you how much we all love to have Natasha and Jesse in class as they bring so much positive energy and humor! We’re so excited to have Natasha & Jesse as our Couple of the Month!!! Give them a Results High Five the next time you see them!

“Ain’t Nothing to it but to do it” ~Jesus ‘Jesse’ Ortiz

“I keep pushing forward with a smile on my face no matter what” ~Natasha Ortiz

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