Representing Natomas Nation for Member of the Month is Kareen Spillman. For over a year Kareen has been a star, working hard to slay her goals and inspire others. She is a leader and always helps push and inspire her friends and FitFam by bringing them to Friends and Family weekend. She also is the first to all out her FitFam out if she hasn’t seen them in a while!! It’s not surprising that she’s a leader when you learn her Zodiac Sign is Aries! Kareen loves the saying, “It’s never easy, but always worth it”.
She has overcome struggles and pushes through so that now she can even do movements like lunges and jumping jacks. She has lost over 85 lbs and counting! Kareen’s advice for anyone finding themselves in a rut is, “Remember why you started”. If you see Kareen in the gym, introduce yourself and congratulate her for being such a positively awesome person!