Chris and Rachelle have become part of the fabric that holds Results Natomas together. Their joy and fun-loving attitude are on display even at 5am. They are both willing to give up a little piece of their workout to make someone else’s day brighter. They have been married for 24 ½ years and have 2 boys.
Since joining Results in February of 2018, they have made many friends that have helped keep them accountable to coming to the gym. Doing this as a couple is also a big part of their consistency. They both love that Results offers an awesome team environment and that they are supported while working to achieve a healthier lifestyle.
The thing Rachelle is most proud of is that she was able to finish her first Spartan race with the Results Team in November, and Chris is happy he is able to do multiple box jumps now. Rachelle(daRac) is only one who has a MyZone and she loves it because it gives her a visual to make her push harder.
Chris likes Muscle Monday (not Mile Monday) and Rachelle’s favorite is Tabata Tuesday.
“You are stronger than you think you are.”- Coach Love