Welcome to May

Hey Fit Fam,

Happy Tabata Tuesday and welcome to the month of May!

 Such an exciting time in the centers this week as dozens of members in every center get ready compete in our first annual Results 4×4 Team Challenge.

You might have already heard the buzz and seen the teams stack up, our first round of registrants got their packets this weekend and the rest of the week we will continue to accept new participants and teams.

We will be measuring Workouts, Effort (Myzone), Transformation (weight loss) and Team Workout.    Everyone who enrolls gets a great swag bag full of treats PLUS teams are competing for $10,000 in prizes including a $2,000 cash prize for the overall team and LOTs of other categories of winners too.

 It’s not to late to join in the fun, if you want to join a team or you have 3 others and want to start your own team, read the details here and REGISTER TODAY!

Don’t forget all 11 locations compete for the Golden Kettlebells this weekend with the return of our  monthly Results Friends and Family day.     You can invite as many friends and family members to workout on Saturday May 5th @ 10am!   Share the Results experience with your co-workers, friends and anyone who we can inspire to be healthier and fit.     Drop ins are $15 but you can pre-register as many friends as you want FREE through Friday.    You must go to your Results TC app and pre-register them for class in order to pass along free admission.

Share the love and RSVP your free guest on the app today!

For $777 you get 7 months of unlimited training at Results Transformation Centers plus Myzone (or a Physx supplement credit if you already have a MyZone.    You can save over $400 by locking in this great deal PLUS at the end of the promotion period we will pick one winner who will get an extra 7 months FREE as an extra special thank you for supporting us.

In closing I  wanted to close by thanking EVERYONE who voted in the A List.    The winners will be announced soon and we are hoping to hear that your Results Fit Fam will be the #1 gym for the third year in the row.     When the winners announced we will be sure to share, but THANK YOU in advance for keeping us #1 thanks to all of your support!

Cheers to an incredible May,

Coach Matt and the Results TC Fit Squad
Changing Lives since 2006

P.S. With every new month comes a new Member of the Month. Starting tomorrow we will showcase and highlight members who stood out for their accomplishments, spirt and giving back. Make sure you check in via email and your app soon.

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