Sean Thompson from Central Sac

Sean’s fitness journey with Results began as a challenger in August of 2016. He was very skeptical of what he was entering but if his close friend Malek Hoss could do it, so could he!  Sean not only crushed his first challenge, but he completed three challenges back to back to back losing 34.6 lbs., 24.8 lbs. and 20.2 respectively. In all, he has lost a total of 79.6 pounds and has kept it off!  He became a member with no hesitation after those challenges in December of 2016 and he’s never looked back!

As a Senior Field Representative for SMUD for over 10 years, he knows how important his health and fitness are to his job!  Even his least favorite exercises (Bulgarian Split Squats, Russian twists, and Himalayan High Knees) help him stay strong when out in the field!

Sean admits that since working out and changing a few bad habits he’s happy to say that Pabst’s Blue Ribbon sales in the greater Sacramento area have had a significant downturn.  Did I also mention that Sean’s sense of humor is infectious and so is his positivity?

Sean’s “why” for staying healthy and strong:  His 10-year old daughter Halli Belle. She was born three months early weighing in at 1 pound 4 ounces or 645 grams. Sean says that she is his little miracle, and he’s going to do all he can to be around for as long as he can.

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