Results Strong Mom’s featuring Lisa Stanley

Today we want to feature, Lisa Stanley. Coach Lisa to most. Coach, however, is just one of the many hats Lisa wears!
Mothers can do it all, right? Well, that is what most of us think anyways. We all know they love unconditionally! But WOW, it seems like EVERYTHING they do is unconditional. Coach Lisa is an awesome example of the unconditional nature of being a STRONG mom!lisa-stanley

I know that we all are busy but how the heck do moms juggle all that they do? Juggling is an understatement, they OVERCOME it all!

Speaking of overcoming it all, Lisa has conquered many tribulations in her short life. Did you know? Coach Lisa has overcome abuse, homelessness, the passing of her son.

Did you know, Coach Lisa works full-time In Elk Grove, is a FULL time college student graduating in a month, full-time mom, volunteers, PLUS still MAKES time for her workouts.

Coach Lisa (read: Coach Mom, mother of 5!!), is the first to step up to fill in when a co-worker needs back-up. Any location, anytime of day, She is ready to coach and to help out her Fit Fam.

Coach Lisa says, “I don’t stop before the buzzer rings in the gym, why stop out of the gym.”


EXCUSES? Invalid! Rejected, return to sender!

What Motivates you Coach?

“What keeps me motivated is that I know if I’m not moving forward then I’m already going backwards and that’s the wrong way. I also want my kids to see that no matter how hard you get knocked down or how bad life seems, the power to change is within them. They have their mom’s inner strength!”

It seems like you give it ALL to your family, education, and pursuit of your own goals.

Why be a Results Coach?

“When I was new to fitness when I started at Results but was embraced from day 1 and never looked back. I learned to love working out because it was a healthy outlet for me juggling between being a single mom, a full-time student and an employee, so I know the struggle. But I also knew I had to continue with Results and share with other people (especially women) the benefits of fitness. Strength is something no one can take from you, and the more you have of it, the more confident you are! All too often, women take a back burner for themselves to care for the people around them. How better would they be though, devoting an hour to themselves? I want every woman/mother to love their bodies, workout, and strive to be a little better and get stronger everyday.”

Thank you to all the MOMs. Specifically, THANK YOU Lisa for doing all that you do for others and by showing us all that it ALL can be done. Mom, Wife, Friend, Coach, Student, Co-Worker, OVERCOMER, Results Fit Fam Member since 2012, and dedicated EXERCISER!

Strong Moms do it all. You, Coach Lisa, define the phrase!

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