RESULTS: New App, New Challenge, New Location

Hey Fit Fam,

I hope you had an awesome weekend and are gearing up for a great Halloween Holiday.

We have a ton happening in the centers this week/month and I wanted to make sure we kept you up to speed on all of the exciting happenings.

New Results App arrives this week

Technology is changing rapidly, and we are excited to bring a brand new Results Transformation Center app to our Fit Fam. The new Results TC app will have new features, better scheduling and myzone integrations plus we will be giving away prizes daily for those who have downloaded the app. We expect the new and improved app to be available November 1st. Of course the app will be free. When searching for the new app you will want to look for “Results TC”.

As soon as the app is available in the app store we will notify you!

Results #1 Celebration:
Save the dates: November 11th – Sacramento area & November 17th – Reno Area

We are planning our biggest celebrations ever this month. You have made Results Transformation Centers #1 and this month we celebrate year #11 and location #11.

We will be sending out all of the details about these exclusive member events later on Tuesday. For now, mark your calendars and plan to activate your Results sexy and mix it up with the fit fam and amazing entertainment.


All to often this is the time of the year where the TREATS play TRICKS on our waist lines and the year ends on a a bloated note of holiday weight gain.

This Fit Fam ain’t going out like that. Gotta protect those 2017 Results and get ready for a great holiday season.

Because we want to end the year STRONG with our fit Fam, we have launched a 5 Week Alumni Strong Finish Challenge! Put your membership on hold and commit to 5 weeks and challenge yourself to a 15lb weight loss and when you make the goal, your program is FREE.

Park your membership on hold and sign up for the challenge for only $197 with our exclusive early bird registration now:

Program starts 11/12 , details are here —>

Folsom, CA is NOW OPEN!

Our 11th Center, in Folsom, CA is NOW OPEN! El Dorado Hills and Folsom residents don’t need to wait any longer or drive as far. Our brand new center is NOW OPEN at 330 Plaza Drive, Folsom, CA 95630 (off of East Bidwell).

We are kicking the center off with our first 6 Week Challenge in Folsom and have orientations all week long. If you know somebody who lives or works in Folsom or El Dorado Hills who is ready to take our legendary 6 Week 20lb Challenge, invite them out this week for orientation. RSVP at

Friends and Family

We have raised over $1,800 for the fire victims in Northern, CA and this weekend we invite all 11 Results Transformation Centers to help us grow that number and help our neighbors devastated by the recent fires.

This weekend we welcome out your friends and family to workout with us (at any regularlly scheduled session on Saturday & Sunday). We are asking for a $10 donation which we will add to our recent Fitness After proceeds to help the people of Napa and Sonoma Counties.


I told you we had a lot happening.

We are excited to continue on the journey of changing lives, lifting each other, having fun, giving back and having the #1 Fit Fam anywhere!

Thank you for being part of the Reuslts TC Fit Fam!

Coach Matt and Your Results TC Fit Squad
Voted #1 2016 & 2017