Rocklin’s December Member of the Month is Sheila Hall!! Consistency is key when it comes to Sheila and reaching her goals! Back in April of 2017, Sheila came to Results just to try out a class to see what Results was all about and the rest is history! Although she has never done a 6-week Challenge, Sheila has been very active in our member challenges through the last year losing a total of 18lbs in the 4×4 challenge winning the Challenge for Rocklin. What keeps her motivated and coming back daily is the fitfam. Not only does she get a great work out, but she has made very close friendship with some of the fitfam. In 2019, Sheila will be working on new goals of getting stronger, gaining more lean muscle mass and decreasing body fat. Her favorite day of the week to workout is BOOTY FRI-YAY so naturally her favorite exercise is a Glute Bridge. Outside of getting her Booty gains, Sheila enjoys traveling with her husband of 27 years to Hawaii. She truly believes in the quote, “Once you see RESULTS it becomes an addiction.” When you see Sheila in the gym give her a high five and say HI!!!

Why you should be doing Mobility Exercises & Flexibility Training
If you want to avoid problems with your joints, muscles and back as you get older, especially in the later part of